Nice nuts!

Really quick and easy flavoured peanuts. Perfect for parties!

This little recipe was inspired by a Pad Thai recipe from Essentials magazine which did something similar with the nuts used to garnish the dish. I thought they tasted great so experimented with some different flavours:

Flavoured nuts

You will need:

  • 50g unsalted peanuts
  • Frying pan
  • 1 tablespoon of your choice of flavouring – I tried soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, teriyaki sauce and a mixture of oil, paprika and crushed coriander seeds

How to make (it’s pretty easy!):

  1. Roughly chop up the peanuts and add to the frying pan.
  2. Heat over a medium heat until the nuts start to brown. Keep and eye on them and keep them moving so they don’t burn.
  3. Tip in the tablespoon of seasoning, stir until the liquid has evaporated and the pan is dry. This won’t take long at all.
  4. Tip into a bowl and wait to cool.

Of the flavours I tried, the soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce worked really well. The teriyaki sauce, being much thinker, made a big sticky lump. Once dry thought, this broke up nicely almost like savoury peanut brittle.

These are great as nibbles, party snacks and garnishes. Best of all you can experiment your heart out and they only take seconds to make! Enjoy!

Chop up the nuts

Peanut flavourings

Peanut flavourings

Toasting peanuts

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